Objectives & Benefits of Membership
Objectives of the Society
The Society shall be a non-profit educational society of physicians and scientists interested in neurointerventional surgery; shall develop and support standards of post-graduate training and practice in neurointerventional surgery; shall work to stimulate interest and scientific research to advance the development of neurointerventional surgery; shall meet regularly to provide an exchange of scientific information, and to disseminate the newest concepts in the field of neurointerventional surgery; shall provide a forum for an exchange of ideas to define the further direction and role of neurointerventional surgery, and to provide representation to implement these goals.
All members of SNIS receive the following benefits:
- Access to the “Members Only” Section of the SNIS website, snisonline.org;
- A subscription to the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS), the official journal of SNIS*;
- Access to SNIS Connect, the members-only online forum;
- Access to the CME accredited SNIS Insights webinar series;
- A subscription to Suite Talk, the official electronic newsletter of SNIS;
- Reduced registration fees to SNIS-sponsored meetings and conferences;
- Networking opportunities with fellow experts in this medical specialty;
- Access to member amenities;
- Discounts on SNIS products.
*Junior, , Junior Scientist, Clinical Associate, and Medical Student/Resident members will receive an online subscription only
In addition to the standard benefits, Senior and Senior Scientist Members will receive:
- The right to vote and hold elective office in the Society;
- The right to serve on a Standing Committee of the Society.
Senior Members will also have their professional information listed in the ‘Doctor Finder’ on the SNIS website and on the SNIS patient information website, BrainAneurysm.com