Fellowship Eligibility:  As outlined in the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery’s Bylaws, Fellows shall be member of the Society who have made a significant contribution(s) to the neurointerventional field and to the Society.  The requirements for Fellows membership are as follows:

  • FSNIS candidates shall have been a Senior Member in good standing of the Society for at least ten contiguous years.
  • The candidate shall have made a significant contribution to the neurointerventional field as well as contribution(s) to the Society as determined by the policy set forth by the Fellows’ Committee.  When evaluating candidates for Fellowship, the Fellows’ Committee shall review the totality of the candidate’s contributions on behalf of Neurointervention and the Society.  Fellowship shall be awarded based on a long and consistent history of activities.
  • As per the criteria for fellowship, you must be present at the SNIS Annual Meeting to be inducted and be granted the designation of FSNIS.

Policy on Criteria for Fellowship
The candidate shall have made significant contributions to neurointerventional surgery and shall have actively participated in the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery.  As a criterion for fellowship candidacy, the candidate shall have demonstrated some level of activity contributing to the work and mission of the Society.  The level of SNIS activity will be reviewed in conjunction with the candidate’s overall contributions to the neurointerventional field.  The following areas of activity and achievement will be considered in review of the candidate’s record.
The items in this section should be looked at as general guidelines.  They do not guarantee that a nominee will be granted fellowship.  They are provided as examples in an attempt to provide general direction and consistency to the review process.

Scholarship/Research/Investigations qualification parameters include:
  • Landmark papers
  • A significant body of work
  • Inventions leading to new treatments, or work that leads to new treatment paradigms in neurointerventional surgery
  • Inventions leading to new techniques and treatments
  • New science leading to transformational care of patients
  • Seminal trial leadership

Educational Services qualification parameters include:
  • Fellowship Training Director
  • National awareness campaigns for neurointerventional or related activities
  • Public relations activities/patient educational activities that explain the neurointerventional surgery specialty, such as lectures to civic groups or public service announcements, radio or TV appearances, etc., typically at national/international level
  • Multiple invited lectureships, national teaching awards, and multiple refresher course service to SNIS
  • Major Academic Departmental Chairmanship

Public/Political Service qualification parameters include:
  • Medical Advisory Board
  • PRO Board
  • Peer Review
  • Legislative Task Forces

Service to SNIS qualification parameters include:
  • Serving multiyear terms in significant committees or the Board of Directors
  • Having made very significant contributions to the mission of the SNIS
  • Significant SNIS Committee responsibilities, typically over several years
  • Distinguished Board of Directors service, both in tenue and quality of service
  • SNIS members applying for FSNIS may show service and activities not directly attached to SNIS, but aligning with the vision and mission of SNIS and in direct support of the Society